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Personal Injury Lawyer NYC Free Consultation

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Free consultation personal injury lawyer

Never trust a NYC personal injury lawyer who does not offer you a free consultation.  By the end of your free consultation, your attorney should know whether you have a good personal injury case, and you should know whether you want to hire that attorney. During your free consultation, a NYC personal injury lawyer should ask you detailed questions about the circumstances surrounding your accident. The attorney will ask you questions to determine how the accident happened, who witnessed the accident, and how the accident was reported.  They will also want to know about your injuries and treatment. The attorney will also want to know your earning history so they can estimate the value of your case.

Construction Worker Injured by Falling Rebar

In a notable case, a worker was injured while performing work at a NYC construction site.  The owner of the construction site hired a general contractor for the construction work.  The general contractor in turn hired subcontractors, including a carpentry company which the worker worked for.  On the day of his accident the worker was part of a crew that was installing rebar.  The worker was standing on a rebar footing which was approximately nine feet above the ground.  He co-workers were passing up 18-foot-long pieces of rebar to the worker. The worker testified that at the moment of his accident, his co-workers dropped of a piece of rebar. They were passing it to him and dropped it before he could grab it. The rebar fell and struck him in the head.  When the rebar hit him it the head, it caused the worker to lose his balance. He fell onto the footing rebar he was standing upon and sustained injuries.

Worker’s Lawyer Formulated Plan During Consultation

Personal injury lawyers in NYC

Because the worker’s NYC personal injury lawyer had conducted a thorough analysis of the case during the free consultation, they knew the worker had a strong case. The lawyer filed a lawsuit against the owner and the general contractor.

The worker and the witnesses testified in the lawsuit. After this, the worker’s personal injury lawyer asked the court to decide liability in the worker’s favor.

The worker’s attorney argued that the worker’s accident was gravity related. The rebar fell. It struck the worker.  The rebar was 18-feet long and weighed 170 pounds.  Even though the rebar fell a short distance, because it weighed so much, it was able to exert a significant force on the worker.  This impact caused the worker to fall onto the rebar footing upon which he was standing. The attorney for the owner and general contractor argued that they were not at fault for the worker’s accident, because the worker noted that he was looking at the work that was being performed and not specifically at the rebar that fell on him. They argued the worker was responsible.

The Lawyer’s Plan Worked

The judge agreed with the worker’s attorney and disagreed with the owner and general contractor.  He also decided that the owner and general contractor were responsible to ensure that the work was performed in a safe manner.  They did not secure the rebar. The rebar fell and stuck the worker. Accordingly, the judge decided liability in favor of the worker. The judge sent the case to trial. The jury decided the amount of compensation the worker deserved. Because the worker’s attorney had the game plan laid out, they were able to get a great result for the worker. A NYC personal injury lawyer from The Platta Law Firm, PLLC will always conduct a thorough analysis of your case during the free consultation to set you on the path to success.

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