New York City Scooter Accident Lawyer
The need for a Scooter Accident Lawyer arose when the carpenter was heading to downtown Manhattan to do renovation work. He drove this route over a hundred times. The intersection of Maurice and Borden in Queens, New York is a 4-way intersection.
Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards in Construction
There are many reasons why New York workers file compensation claims. Slip, trips and falls constitute almost one third of all personal injuries in the workplace. The right attorney can make a difference in your case.
What Claims Can You File as a Pedestrian After a Car Accident?
New York is what is known as a “no fault” state, meaning that if you are injured in a car accident who was at fault will not be taken in to account so that you can get medical treatment and are compensated for lost wages. This is called “basic economic loss.”
How to Negotiate a Settlement With an Insurance Claims Adjuster?
Wondering how to negotiate a settlement with an insurance claims adjuster? Find out the crucial steps here.
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