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Category: Construction Accidents

Trench collapse accidents
Construction Accidents

Trench Collapse Accident Attorney

In New York, every year, approximately 300 trench collapse accidents are reported. If you find yourself involved in a trench collapse accident, an experienced lawyer can help you, and your family members, deal with such a difficult situation.

Welding Accidents Lawyers
Construction Accidents

Welding Accident Lawyers

Welding accidents are very common in New York City. This kind of construction related accidents can cause several types of injuries, including injuries to the eyes. Welders are exposed to the bright flashy light, and that can damage their retina.

New York City Scaffolding Accident Lawyer
Construction Accidents

NYC Scaffolding Accident Lawyer

There are different types of scaffolding accidents that are common to most construction workers. Your scaffolding accident lawyer will be able to assist with your case and help put together the best defense possible.

Painting accidents lawyers in New York
Construction Accidents

Painting Accident Lawyer

A painter slipped and fell, while doing his work, and sustained several injuries. This accident happened during a painting job at a construction site in lower Manhattan. He filed a lawsuit against the general contractor and the building owner.

Wall Collapse Attorney NYC
Construction Accidents

Wall Collapse Lawyer

A successful wall collapse lawyer proves the landlord or contractor caused the building’s collapse or they violated the Labor Law. The law firm will hire top construction safety engineering experts to identify the reason of the building collapse.

Construction falling object accident
Construction Accidents

Falling Object Accident

A construction worker’s supervisor instructed him to take down, approximately, twenty 4 x 4 planks from a ceiling, during the construction of the new WTC. Each plank was about 60-70 Lbs. One of these planks fell and struck him in the rib cage, causing him injuries.

Ladder fall accident attorney in NYC
Construction Accidents

Ladder Fall Accident Lawyer

The Platta Law Firm, PLLC specializes in handling construction accidents. This includes accidents where owners and general contractors fail to keep their workers safe. In this case, The Platta Law Firm sued the owners and general contractor.

Electrocution accidents lawyer in NYC
Construction Accidents

Electrocuted Accident

Construction workers face a number of unique dangers including being involved in accidents in which they are electrocuted. These accidents occur even though there are rules and regulations designed to protect workers from electrical hazards.

Construction site injuries
Construction Accidents

Construction Site Injuries

Falling from unsecure ladders is one of the most common types of construction accidents in New York City. In some cases, these kinds of accidents can cause severe injuries to the workers involved. Sometimes they could even be catastrophic or fatal.

Roofing accident NYC
Construction Accidents

Roofing Accident

A roofing accident occurred at a city school while a worker was descending an extension ladder that was inadequately tied to the roof’s bulkhead. The roofer suffered severe injuries to his legs and back with required surgeries to repair.