How Much Does Workers Comp Pay for Serious Injuries?
Does a workers comp insurance carrier pay for serious injuries that result in a permanent total disability? If so, how much? The Workers’ Compensation Board Panel recently dealt with this issue.
How Much Does Workers Comp Pay for Serious Injuries?
Does a workers comp insurance carrier pay for serious injuries that result in a permanent total disability? If so, how much? The Workers’ Compensation Board Panel recently dealt with this issue.
Can I Fire My Workers Comp Lawyer?
A worker may at any time effectively fire their workers comp lawyer. However, when that worker finds a new lawyer, the prior attorney may still argue for a fee. Learn more about the division of attorney fees.
How to File a Workers Comp Claim
A common pitfall to an injured worker is failure to provide adequate notice to his or her employer of the accident. This article discusses the filing requirements for a workers comp claim and a recent case…
Do I Need a Lawyer for a Workers Comp Claim?
Although a lawyer is not required, it is highly recommended that an injured worker retain some type of counsel. This article explains why a workers’ comp claim attorney can be an asset to an injured worker.
Workers Compensation Lawyer Long Island
Every Long Island workers’ compensation case is different. This article discusses how injuries to multiple joints on the same arm or leg affect settlement values. It also discusses a case every workers’ compensation lawyer…
Five Things to Watch for During Workers Comp IME
Workers comp IME doctors are not the injured workers friend. There is no patient-doctor relationship and they are hired by the insurance carrier to cut costs. If you are attending a workers comp IME…
Workers Compensation Claim Process
Every injured worker eligible for workers’ compensation benefits should know his or her rights. This article will discuss some of the things every injured worker should know about the workers’ compensation claim.
Workers’ Compensation Shoulder Injury Settlements
The value of a workers’ compensation -shoulder injury- settlement depends on factors specific to each case. Learn more about Schedule of Loss, the workers’ comp laws in New York, and Section 32 Settlements.
A Guide to Workers Compensation Surgery
The injured worker is entitled to weekly payments when out of work due to surgery. The worker should receive the maximum rate of pay. The worker is considered temporarily totally disabled after surgery. At some point, the insurance carrier will…
Understanding the Workers Compensation Process
Every employee is covered by either state or federal workers comp law. This is the case, regardless of immigration status. With few exceptions, every employer in New York must have workers comp insurance for all employees. An experienced workers comp…