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Hand Saw Accidents

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Hand saw lawyer in NYC

Construction workers in New York City are common victims of injuries due to hand saw accidents and other various cutting injuries. There are a multitude of saws ranging from power saws, circular saws, to chainsaws. These types of saws are all common in this particular occupation. This type of equipment is dangerous and have heavy safety regulations in order to be used. A common accident that can occur can be a construction worker losing a finger, limb, or hand. Please make sure to use a proper attorney that has had years of experience to be by your side

Hand saw accidents are a common occurrence in New York City because of the high volume of construction going on at any given time. This means that there are many construction workers that may possibly be injured. When there is an accident due to cutting, please make sure to seek medical attention and get to the hospital immediately. Death may occur from injuries to internal organs or a loss of blood.

New York’s Labor Law Section 241(6)


There are New York labor laws that specifically protect workers in these types of situations. New York’s Labor Law 241(6) requires a general contractor and property owner to make sure all workers on the construction site, have safe tools, including saws.

The State’s industrial code requires that all circular saws have guards around the teeth. If the guard doesn’t fully cover the blade while not in use or does not retract, that is a violation of law. A defective saw causing a construction employee to get hurt can give rise to a products liability claim. You may then have a manufacturing defect case and have a case against both your employers and the manufacturer.

There are some cases where a construction worker may suffer an untimely death as a result from a saw accident. There could be a cut to a major artery or vein that can lead to a major loss of blood. In order to have a successful litigation, it is critical that a thorough investigation of the incident take place. Since most saw injuries are severe, many employees will incur costs that are not fully covered by workers compensation.

What to do After You are Injured From a Hand Saw

If you have been hurt in a saw accident, The Platta Law Firm is a personal injury firm that has had years of experience in Saw Accidents that happen in New York. We will be able to investigate and hold the negligent, liable party responsible. They will be able to provide any lost income, medical bills, permanent injuries, and pain and suffering. OSHA requires all power tools come with safety guards and precautions. If the building site owner or employer was negligent, they can be held liable for any injuries. Sub-contractors are also potentially liable for any accidents as well as manufacturers. You will need to contact the proper legal team by your side if you or anyone you know is involved in hand saw accidents.

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