What Causes Construction Site Fall Accidents in NYC?
Falling objects on construction sites are responsible for a large number of accidents. You need an experienced attorney who knows the law to get you the compensation you deserve.
Why Is Falling Debris so Dangerous for Construction Workers in New York City?
In New York City there are so many high rise buildings that the risk of being struck by a falling object is much higher than in any other city around the country. The injuries that result from these accidents can be very serious, and even fatal in some cases.
The Process of a Construction Truck Accident Case
A worker was injured in a construction accident that involved a water truck. He drove over a concrete slab, the concrete flooring of the existing structure, and because of the weight of the truck, this gave way. The truck fell down to the basement level.
Can I Sue My Employer After a Construction Accident in New York?
Workplace accident lawsuits are difficult to litigate. Getting hurt on the job is devastating, not only because of your injuries but because of certain laws in New York State that limit your ability to recover for injuries as a result of your employment.
What Are the Causes of Construction Elevator Accidents?
Construction accidents involving elevators are becoming a common occurrence. In a notable case, an electrical construction worker entered an industrial elevator at the Empire State Building.
How Construction Roof Accidents Happen and How to Take Legal Action in New York
What kind of lawsuit can a guy who falls from a roof bring in New York? In a case of note, a roofer company performed insulation installation, which required him to work about 1 1/2 feet from the edge of the roof.