What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) in Workers Comp?
This article discusses the importance of maximum medical improvement (mmi) in a workers comp case and how mmi impacts future treatment and surgery.
What Is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) in Workers Comp?
This article discusses the importance of maximum medical improvement (mmi) in a workers comp case and how mmi impacts future treatment and surgery.
How Much Is Carpal Tunnel Worth in Workers Comp?
Workers’ compensation benefits related to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, in New York, will depend on the Schedule Loss of Use or “SLU.” This refers to a permanent injury that is related to the type of work you do.
Understanding New York Workers Compensation Law
This article is a guide to understanding the different stages of a New York workers’ compensation claim and how disability status impacts a claimant’s entitlement to benefits under the law.
Is It Mandatory to Have a Drug Test in NY for Workers Comp?
Whether a workers comp claimant must undergo mandatory drug testing in NY depends on opioid use. Learn what triggers drug testing under the Medical Treatment Guidelines.
How Long Do Workers Comp Settlements Take to Complete?
A workers comp attorney assessing how long a settlement will take must look to specific variables. This article discusses what a workers comp attorney will look for when figuring out the best time to talk…
How Do Workers Compensation Settlements Work?
This article explains the different ways an injured worker can structure a workers’ compensation settlement to meet their future needs. Specifically, it discusses the differences between…
What Is a Workers Comp Waiver?
There are multiple ways to settle a case. One of them is a workers’ comp waiver agreement. The parties involved can structure a waiver agreement for the lost wages, or for the medical coverage, or for both portions of the claim.
Understanding the Workers Compensation Settlement Chart
Many injured workers have difficulty understanding the workers comp settlement charts used by the insurance carrier to value their case. This article explains how to use these charts to value workers comp…
Workers Comp Settlement After Surgery
Workers comp surgery will impact settlement value. This Article discusses how spine surgery and knee replacement surgery impact the settlement value of a workers comp case.
How Do They Determine Workers Compensation Settlement Amounts?
This article discusses how insurance adjuster and lawyers determine workers comp settlement amounts in a schedule loss of use case.